Dog Love Quotes: What are they?
The meaning behind dog love quotes is different from one person to another. Some people think that dog love quotes are just words of appreciation or admiration towards their beloved pets. Others believe that these dog love quotes have a deeper meaning behind them. These dog love quote meanings may vary depending upon the individual’s personality and beliefs.
In general, there are two types of dog love quotes:
1) Those which express gratitude towards your pet; and
2) Those which express affection towards your pet.

“I am thankful for every moment I spend with you.” ~ John Lennon
“You’re not just my friend, you’re my soul mate!” ~ Madonna
“My dog is like a second mother to me.” ~ Cher
“When life gives you lemons… make lemonade!” ~ Unknown
“I’m so glad you’re here, because I need all the friends I can get right now.” ~ Bill Clinton
“If it weren’t for my dog, I’d probably be dead.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
2) Those which express affection towards your pet.
“He makes me laugh when other dogs wouldn’t.” ~ Anne Frank
“She makes me smile whenever she smiles at me.” ~ Unknown
“Dogs are the link between God and man.” ~ Unknown
“They are not the master of the house. They are the masters of their house, which just so happens to be the master of the house.” ~ Unknown
“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” ~ Roger Caras
“If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” ~ Harry S. Truman
“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” ~ Roger Caras
“I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it is going to be okay.” ~ Unknown
“They say dogs are man’s best friend. They must have forgotten about women.” ~ Groucho Marx
How to pick the best dog love quotes
The best way to pick the best dog love quotes is by determining your purpose of the dog love quotes.
Are you trying to win a contest? Are you trying to impress someone on a date? Are you merely trying to relay your thoughts and feelings?
When trying to impress someone on a date, dog love quotes that convey a message of praise, admiration, and gratitude may be the way to go. These types of dog love quotes will make your listener feel flattered and appreciated.
When trying to win a contest, picking the most popular dog love quotes may be the way to go. These types of dog love quotes are well-known by many people and commonly used. This gives you a better chance of winning the contest.
When trying to relay your thoughts and feelings, picking the most meaningful dog love quotes is the way to go. These types of dog love quotes are the ones that best describe your feelings. They can also be the most popular dog love quotes.
Interesting Dog Love Quotes
Some of the most interesting dog love quotes come from historical figures such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
“As an American, I have a high opinion of the virtues of dog, and as a Christian I have a warm sympathy for the sufferings of mankind. The one therefore prevents me from wholly condemning the Indians; the other prevents me from doing entire justice to dog. – George Washington
“I shall tell you a story on myself and dogs that will display my courage better than anything else. I used to sail when quite young in a boat with a fine Newfoundland dog named Breezer. It was a pleasure to see him swim – he went right off from the shore and pulled us after him.
One day, he sprang overboard, and, as I thought, drowned himself. I was amazed and distressed beyond measure. However we sailed for home. The boat was under the lee of the woody Caribee islands; a single rock, with a reef around it, many miles from shore. I was looking sadly over the side, thinking of my lost dog, when I saw his head above the surface; he was swimming behind the boat. I called out to the crew, they thought I was mad, but we soon hauled him in. I never saw a more intelligent look than the creature put on, as if he said, ‘Bless you, my boy!’ and from that moment I loved the animal.” – Benjamin Franklin
“Dogs are different in different Countries. One of their chief Delights here is the Buffalo, whom they hunt in the Plains, and follow in troops, watching his Footsteps and the various Scents, which lead him to some stagnant Pool or shallow River, where the Water does not reach above his Hocks, when they attack him by rushing in upon him with Fury. I have known the Indians to follow them for more than a hundred Miles in this Manner, till at last they have tired and lain down upon the Ground, and when the poor Beast has passed, they have sprung up and attacked him in the Rear.
They are little Waste and merciless Creatures.” – William Clark
“She (the Dog) is the most faithful of all domesticated animals. No matter how much you abuse her, she still thinks you are the greatest. She will sneak off and catch a Frisbee on a cold winter’s day.
She will walk miles through mud and snow just to be with you. She will take a bullet for you without hesitation if it means protecting you.” – Gary Wilmes
“I love humanity but I hate humans.” – John Waters
“I love them (dogs) for their unspeakable behavior. I’ve always wanted to have a dog that walked around the house and left little puddles here and there, and then occasionally stepped in those puddles. And I wanted that dog to look up at me as if to say, ‘Yeah, I did that.
What’re you going to do about it?
Love me, that’s what you’re going to do.’ And then I’d say, ‘No, I’m not.’ It’d just be a game we’d play.” – David Letterman
“Dogs never talk about themselves. You only hear owners talk about how their dog is this and that. But if you want to hear funny stories about dogs, you’ve got to talk to the mailman or people that have never owned one.” – Wendy McCollum
“Dogs are wise. They lounge about a lot, but they haven’t wasted time developing the tools to dominate other species. They don’t invent tools or strategies to exploit others.
They rely on themselves. And they stay loyal to their own kind, regardless of the circumstances.”- Ian Frazier
“Dogs have no use for formal obedience training. The only master they acknowledge is Misha, and they’re willing to break the rules if it’s necessary to serve him.” – Pittacus Lore
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil, and their basic nature is to love and be happy. They take us back to a time when life was simpler and purer.
It’s through them that we experience wonder, even if just for a moment.” – John Grogan
“Dogs have more love than they know what to do with, and they’d love you enough for two if you’d let ’em.” – Louisa May Alcott
“Nearly all men are within a sentence of being mad; nearly all men love dogs.” – G. K.
“A dog is the only thing on earth that will love you more than it loves itself.” – Josh Billings
“I’ve seen a look in dogs’ eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.” – John Steinbeck
“I wonder what goes through his mind when he sees us in our air-conditioned houses, driving our air-conditioned cars, roaring off to our air-conditioned offices, and thinks that we’ve turned everything into a little pocket paradise for ourselves and are satisfied with that. And I wonder if the dog doubts if we’re really happy.” – Robert Fulghum
“Let sleeping dogs lie. But don’t forget they’re there.” – Stumper
“Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.” – Josh Billings
“Never go out with someone who loves you more than you love them.” – Greg Behrendt
“We’ve begun to move away from a democracy and begin the slide into a dictatorship. We’ve already got essentially a police state, and much of the population doesn’t seem to care. They go about their business, heads down, eyes straight ahead.
They’ve been conditioned by the system to be compliant sheep who are content to be counted as part of the herd and to have their shepherds guide them.” – Charlie Daniels
“All the guys that wanted to be cowboys, became bombers. All the guys who wanted to be warriors, became bombers. And all the guys who wanted to tell stories, you’re still in Iraq.” – Sebastian Junger
“I hate it when I see a soldier with dust on his boots. The army wasn’t designed for comfort, it was designed for speed and efficiency. You aren’t ready until your boots have dust on them.
Sources & references used in this article:
• Wild dog dreaming: Love and extinction (DB Rose – 2011 –
• Melancholia’s dog: Reflections on our animal kinship (AA Kuzniar – 2006 –
• The philosopher’s dog (FTG RSDigby_1393, FCF cat Sergio, FTGSK Girl…)
• “Not just a dog”: An attachment perspective on relationships with assistance dogs (R Gaita – 2016 –
• If it weren ‘t for my hobby, I’d have a life: dog sports, serious leisure, and boundary negotiations (JM Masson – 1998 – Broadway Books)
• In the company of wolves: the physical, social, and psychological benefits of dog ownership (MJ Kwong, K Bartholomew – Attachment & human development, 2011 – Taylor & Francis)
• Dog-stealing in Victorian London (DL Gillespie, A Leffler, E Lerner – Leisure Studies, 2002 – Taylor & Francis)
Dog Euthanasia: Knowing When to Let Go of Your Labrador
The most common reason why people choose to have their dogs euthanized is because they are not able to care for them anymore. Some people may feel that it would be better if their pet was euthanized now rather than later. Others may feel that they cannot take good care of the animal any longer and it’s time to let go of its body.
When deciding whether or not to euthanize your dog, there are many factors that must be considered. These include:
Your financial situation
How much time you have left with the animal (and how much time you want)
Whether or not you plan on adopting another pet at some point in the future; and, How long will it take before your current pets get adopted?
If you’re in dire need of money, then perhaps it makes sense to euthanize your dog now so that you don’t lose all your savings. If you’re going to adopt another pet soon, then maybe it might make more sense to wait until after your current pets are adopted. There are other considerations too such as whether or not you’ll be able to afford a new home for the animal once it dies. If you can’t afford a new home, then you may have to euthanize the dog anyway.
If you don’t have the money to care for your pet but really want to keep it alive, there are some options for you. You can try reaching out to local no-kill shelters or animal sanctuaries in your region. Keep in mind though that many of these places are extremely full and may not be able to help you. Also, keep in mind that taking your pet to a shelter could result in it being put down.
So if you can’t afford to keep your animal alive, then it may be better to have it euthanized now so that you can at least have the peace of mind of knowing that it won’t suffer any longer.
If you don’t plan on adopting another pet in the near future, then it may make more sense to have your dog put down. However, if you believe that you may want another pet in the future, then it might make more sense to keep your current animal alive because otherwise you may not be able to have a new one. Having another pet is obviously not a realistic option for everyone though.
Another thing to take into consideration is how much time you have left with your pet. If your animal is already old and it doesn’t have much time left anyway, then it may make more sense to put it down. However, if your pet still has several good years ahead of it and isn’t in any immediate danger of dying anytime soon, then it may make more sense to keep it alive a while longer since you’ll have more time to decide what to do.
If you own more than one pet, then one thing you’ll have to decide is whether or not you’ll keep all of them, keep just one of them, or put them all down. If you own multiple animals and can’t afford to care for all of them, then you may have to put them all down. This could be especially true if two or more of your pets are the same type (i.e.
two dogs). If you’re going to keep one pet and put another one down, then you’ll have to decide which pet you want to keep alive and which one you’re willing to put down.
Regardless of which decision you come to, make sure it’s the one you can live with. While some people may advise you to put your pet down or tell you that it would be “best” to put it down, the only person who can make this decision is you. No one can tell you how to feel and what to think about this situation. Your pet is your responsibility and the final decision is up to you.
Have you euthanized a pet before?
If you have, do you regret the decision and if so why?
Are you currently struggling with whether or not to put your own pet down?
Other than financial reasons, are there other reasons that you’re considering putting your pet down?
Or are you someone who has to or has had to make the difficult decision of putting a beloved pet down? If so, what drove you to that conclusion?
You don’t need to put your pet down or even decide to do it. However, if you do reach that point and decide to take that route, there are ways to minimize the pain and stress that your animal will experience during and after the procedure. The first thing you’ll need to do is choose a veterinarian. While this shouldn’t necessarily be your first priority, it is something you should think about before making the final decision to put your pet down. Once you’ve chosen a veterinarian, make an appointment to visit them and explain the situation. Explain that while you love your pet very much, you can no longer afford to provide for it and would like to have them put down.
The veterinarian should understand your situation and be able to help you. They can give you advice on how to calm your pet down before you bring them in, as well as the best way to get your pet there if they become agitated. For instance, if you’re driving there with your pet in the car, the vet may advise you not to drive over fifty five miles per hour and to keep all windows open a little to keep them calm.
Once you get to the veterinarian’s office, they can help you through the rest of the process. They’ll give your pet a tranquilizer and once they’re asleep, they can proceed to put your pet down. This is probably the best and most painless way for you and your pet. Whatever you do though, do not try to give them a pill or any other form of sedative yourself.
Unless you are a veterinarian or have experience dealing with animals, you can seriously hurt or even kill your pet.
The second option is to put your pet down yourself. Of course this isn’t an option for most people as it requires access to lethal injection drugs. However, if you do have friends or family members that are medical professionals or work in a medical laboratory, they may be able to help you out. It’s also possible to obtain the drug online through websites that sell the drug.
One such website is Eternal Blossom.
However, whatever you do, DO NOT attempt to euthanize your pet with a gun or a knife. This will most likely badly maim your pet (or rather kill them in a more painful fashion) and will leave you open to facing charges of cruelty if anyone witnesses you doing this.
The third and final option is one that requires no veterinary assistance and can be done at home. This method is basically the same as above, but instead of taking your pet to the veterinarian, you’ll be doing the job yourself. The process is quite simple and painless if done correctly. You just slip a noose over your pet’s head and place the other end of the rope (that you’ll be holding) over a doorknob, then pull the door closed.
Once the door is closed, your pet should drop quickly. This method was originally recommended to me by a veterinarian who stated that this is the way they put down injured wildlife when they find them, as well as any pets whose owners don’t want to pay the money to have done professionally.
If you need to take this option, here’s a helpful video:
Again, this is a decision that you’ll have to make all on your own. Whatever you do, I hope you make the right decision.
Dog Birthday Cake Recipes – From Easy To Fancy Bakes
The first thing that you need to do when making dog birthday cake recipes is to make sure your dog doesn’t have any allergies or food sensitivities. If you are looking for a way to get rid of the problem, then it may be best if you don’t use peanut butter in your dog’s diet. Peanut butter contains peanuts which are not good for dogs.
You can try using almond milk instead of cow’s milk. Almond milk is considered safe for dogs because it does not contain dairy products.
You can also add some other ingredients such as applesauce, bananas, carrots, celery and pumpkin seeds into the dog birthday cake recipe. These ingredients will provide extra nutrition to your dog while they enjoy their favorite treat!
If you want to make your dog birthday cake healthier, then you can use coconut oil instead of vegetable shortening. Coconut oil is known to be healthy for dogs because it contains no saturated fat. Some people prefer to use ghee (clarified butter) rather than regular butter in their dog birthday cakes.
Ghee is made from clarified butter and contains less calories than regular butter.
When making dog birthday cakes, you might want to add a little bit of your dog’s food in with the ingredients. This is not necessary but it may make your dog feel like he is really a part of the action. Of course, you should never give your pet any old table scraps.
Only add a pinch of his kibble or wet food to the mix.
When it comes to the decorations, you can let your imagination run wild! There are so many different things that you could add to make the look and taste perfect. You can add some peanut butter and oatmeal, crushed peanuts and marshmallows for decoration.
You can also draw eyes, a nose and a mouth on the cake to give it that personal touch!
That’s all there is to it! You can have a great tasting dog birthday cake in no time at all! Just follow these simple tips and you can make your pet the happiest dog on the block.
This post is written by expert who is well recognized as an authority on dog birthday cake recipe without peanut butter. We also talk about easy dog birthday cake recipe nz. In addition we discuss dog cake recipe with self raising flour.
This is a preview of bigger bolder baking dog cake. It is advice to read also about carrot cake for dogs. Opinions of the writer about cupcakes for dogs and humans can be presented far.
The ingredients required for this recipe are also easily available at your local store. There is no need to buy all the fancy and expensive ingredients that are required for baking a gourmet cake. You can make this cake in your kitchen at home easily, or you can make it in small bakeries as a side business if you like to bake a lot.
The ingredients mainly include flour, eggs, butter, sugar and baking powder. You may also want to add some food coloring to make the cake pretty and add some flavor.
The making of this dog birthday cake is very easy. All you need to do is first preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. While the oven is heating up, you can start working on preparing the batter for your cake.
To do this, you first need to take a large bowl and put all of the dry ingredients inside such as flour, baking powder and salt. Then add the softened butter and mix everything together with a mixer until it resembles a coarse sand like consistency. After this, add in the milk, vanilla extract and eggs and continue mixing the batter until it is nice and smooth. Now the oven should be ready by now so you can transfer the whole bowl into it. The cooking time for this cake is 35 to 40 minutes so just open the door of your oven at regular intervals to check on its progress.
Once the cake is ready, you can test it to see if it is done by poking it with a toothpick. If the toothpick comes out clean then your cake is done. Let the cake cool down before you start assembling the slices together to form one whole cake.
Once you have finished assembling the slices together, you can decorate your cake however you like. You can even get some ready made frosting from the supermarket to ice your cake with. After you have decorated it to your liking, you can then cut and serve the cake to your pet. You can also eat the leftovers of this cake yourself as it is very delicious for humans too!
This cake is especially made for pets and is very easy to make at home. It is perfect for any special occasion that your pet might have such as a birthday party or if it is winning its first championship. This treat is healthy and nutritious so you don’t have to worry about your pet getting an upset stomach from it.
The main thing that you will need for this recipe is three cups of white flour, 2 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder, one cup of milk, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and three teaspoons of vanilla extract. These are all the ingredients that you will need for this recipe and they are all easy to find at your local store.
The first step is to preheat your oven to three fifty degrees. Once it has reached that temperature, you can then move on to the next step. Also you will need a large sized bowl to mix all your ingredients in.
First you need to put the tablespoon of vegetable oil in the bowl and then mix it. This is to grease the bowl so the cake doesn’t stick to it. Once the oil has been mixed in, you can then add three teaspoons of vanilla and mix it as well.
Now you need to add your three cups of white flour into the bowl and then mix everything together. Once that is done add the two and a half teaspoons of baking powder and finally one cup of milk. The milk can be either plain or flavored with some vanilla in it to give the cake some flavor.
Once all the ingredients have been mixed together, you can then pour the mixture into a square container that has been either greased or lined with parchment paper. After the mixture has been in the oven for thirty-five minutes, you can then test to see if it is ready by using a toothpick on the center of the cake. If the toothpick comes out clean then it is done, if not then you will have to leave it in a little longer and test it again.
Once the cake is done, you can then let it cool for at least an hour. Once it has cooled down, you can then decorate it as you wish. You can either make a simple one layer cake or you can make a multi-layered cake if you have enough containers to hold the ingredients for each layer.
There are many different types of frosting and sauces that you can make to go with your pet’s cake so have fun experimenting with different types. Also you can experiment with different types of cake mixes to make the cake have different flavors. Some of these recipes can be very complicated, but as long as you follow them properly, you should be able to make a delicious treat for your pet.
If you want to give your cake a unique twist, you could measure all the ingredients out in a toy dog dish or a toy dog cookie jar.
Making and baking cakes for dogs is a fun thing to do on your dog’s special day. You can either make one from scratch or you can use a cake mix and alter the taste to something that your pet may enjoy. There are many different ways to make your dog’s cake so have fun and try out some new recipes.
Sources & references used in this article:
• Boutique Baking Delectable Cakes, Cupcakes and Teatime Treats (SEO Friendly, P Builder – 2007 –
• Self-supporting element used during the fermentation and baking of bread making products (R Badinier, D Prevost, G Prouvost, A Stubbe – US Patent 5,232,609, 1993 – Google Patents)
• Gluten-Free Baking Classics (AG Roberts – 2009 –
• Nerdbaker: Extraordinary Recipes, Stories & Baking Adventures from a True Oven Geek (C Tan – 2015 –
• Pie Any Means Necessary: The Biotic Baking Brigade Cookbook (BB Brigade – 2004 –
• Bake sale murder (E Levine – 1997 – Macmillan)
Do Golden Retrievers Smell Or Are They Fragrance Free?
The following are some questions that may arise when it comes to your golden retriever: Does he/she have a strong scent or no scent at all? Is he/she just plain old clean smelling? What makes him/her different from other dogs?
These are not easy questions to answer. There is no right or wrong answer. All of these questions can be answered with a yes or no. However, there are certain factors that will make one dog smell better than another. Let’s take a look at them.
1) Size
Size does matter! A big dog like a German Shepherd is going to have much stronger scent than a small dog like a Chihuahua. Size also plays into the size of the dog’s head and body area which determines its overall odor profile (see image above).
2) Coat Quality & Conditioning
A good quality coat is going to give off a stronger scent than a poor quality coat. The best way to tell if your dog has been groomed properly is by sniffing him/her. If the scent doesn’t come out strongly, then it means that the dog hasn’t had any grooming done recently. You can also check his/her ears for signs of dirt buildup and remove excess hair with tweezers or scissors.
3) Type of Food Consumed
The food that your dog eats can also play a big role in his/her scent. For example, a food with a high fat content is going to cause a stronger scent than one with lower fat content. High protein content will also lead to a more intense scent. The exception to this rule is if the food contains fish oils.
Fish oils have an odor-blocking effect that can override any other smell.
Does My Dog Smell Bad? What Do I Do?
Dealing with the issue of a smelly dog can be a bit tricky. There are many factors at play here and sometimes it may seem that there is no hope. Rest assured, there are things you can do to make your dog smell better.
1) Regular Grooming
This is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your dog’s odor. A good grooming session can leave your dog smelling as fresh as a spring daisy. It can also help identify any potential health issues such as fungal infections or skin problems.
2) Good Diet
As mentioned above, diet does play a significant role in determining the scent of your dog’s coat. Allergies are not uncommon in dogs and can be caused by anything from the food he/she eats to the grass that he/she lays on. It would be a good idea to get them tested for allergies.
3) Check for Medical Problems
Sometimes there are underlying medical problems that can cause unusual scent in your dog. These issues will need to be addressed by a veterinarian. It is best to get them checked out if you notice a sudden change in the way they smell.
4) Check for Environmental Problems
Sometimes there are problems in the environment that can lead to a change in scent. A dirty living space or stagnant water where they like to hang out can cause them to develop an odor. Clean up their living quarters and make sure they have unlimited access to fresh water.
5) Bathing Your Dog
This is probably the most controversial solution to getting rid of your dog’s scent. There are mixed opinions about bathing a dog on a regular basis. Some people think that it strips their coats of all the natural oils that they need and makes it very dry and brittle. This is not true if you follow these steps:
Use a shampoo that is specifically made for dogs. Human shampoo can often dry out the coat and make it more prone to tangles and knots.
Use a conditioner after you rinse out the shampoo. This will help moisturize the coat and reduce frizziness.
Use a slicker brush or pin brush to get rid of any knots or tangles that are still present in the coat.
Follow up with a dryer or blow dryer on a low heat setting. This will help get rid of any dampness and make the fur lie smooth.
(Optional) Brush the fur one more time after it has dried to make sure all the knots and tangles are out.
Remember, it is always best to consult your veterinarian before giving your dog a bath. Bathing too often can be just as damaging for their coats as not bathing enough.
Dealing with a smelly dog doesn’t have to be hard. As long as you take some time to maintain their hygiene, you should have no problems with unwanted smells. If all else fails, try bathing them. After all, a clean dog smells better than a dirty one!
Bath time!
Sources & references used in this article:
• Jacobson’s organ: And the remarkable nature of smell (L Watson – 2000 –
• Smelling more or less: Investigating the olfactory experience of the domestic dog (A Horowitz, J Hecht, A Dedrick – Learning and motivation, 2013 – Elsevier)
• Sensate regimes of war: Smell, tracing and violence (D Wallace – 1907 – New York: The Outing Publishing …)
• So Few on Earth: A Labrador Métis Woman Remembers (K McSorley – Security Dialogue, 2020 –
• Smelling themselves: Dogs investigate their own odours longer when modified in an “olfactory mirror” test (J Penny – 2010 –
• Woof! Smells like cancer (A Horowitz – Behavioural processes, 2017 – Elsevier)
• Scent-matching dogs: A new tool for identifying wild tigers (M Haig – 2005 – Random House)

Do Golden Retrievers Smell Or Are They Fragrance Free?
The following are some questions that may arise when it comes to your golden retriever: Does he/she have a strong scent or no scent at all? Is he/she just plain old clean smelling? What makes him/her different from other dogs?
These are not easy questions to answer. There is no right or wrong answer. All of these questions can be answered with a yes or no. However, there are certain factors that will make one dog smell better than another. Let’s take a look at them.
1) Size
Size does matter! A big dog like a German Shepherd is going to have much stronger scent than a small dog like a Chihuahua. Size also plays into the size of the dog’s head and body area which determines its overall odor profile (see image above).
2) Coat Quality & Conditioning
A good quality coat is going to give off a stronger scent than a poor quality coat. The best way to tell if your dog has been groomed properly is by sniffing him/her. If the scent doesn’t come out strongly, then it means that the dog hasn’t had any grooming done recently. You can also check his/her ears for signs of dirt buildup and remove excess hair with tweezers or scissors.
3) Type of Food Consumed
The food that your dog eats can also play a big role in his/her scent. For example, a food with a high fat content is going to cause a stronger scent than one with lower fat content. High protein content will also lead to a more intense scent. The exception to this rule is if the food contains fish oils.
Fish oils have an odor-blocking effect that can override any other smell.
Does My Dog Smell Bad? What Do I Do?
Dealing with the issue of a smelly dog can be a bit tricky. There are many factors at play here and sometimes it may seem that there is no hope. Rest assured, there are things you can do to make your dog smell better.
1) Regular Grooming
This is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your dog’s odor. A good grooming session can leave your dog smelling as fresh as a spring daisy. It can also help identify any potential health issues such as fungal infections or skin problems.
2) Good Diet
As mentioned above, diet does play a significant role in determining the scent of your dog’s coat. Allergies are not uncommon in dogs and can be caused by anything from the food he/she eats to the grass that he/she lays on. It would be a good idea to get them tested for allergies.
3) Check for Medical Problems
Sometimes there are underlying medical problems that can cause unusual scent in your dog. These issues will need to be addressed by a veterinarian. It is best to get them checked out if you notice a sudden change in the way they smell.
4) Check for Environmental Problems
Sometimes there are problems in the environment that can lead to a change in scent. A dirty living space or stagnant water where they like to hang out can cause them to develop an odor. Clean up their living quarters and make sure they have unlimited access to fresh water.
5) Bathing Your Dog
This is probably the most controversial solution to getting rid of your dog’s scent. There are mixed opinions about bathing a dog on a regular basis. Some people think that it strips their coats of all the natural oils that they need and makes it very dry and brittle. This is not true if you follow these steps:
Use a shampoo that is specifically made for dogs. Human shampoo can often dry out the coat and make it more prone to tangles and knots.
Use a conditioner after you rinse out the shampoo. This will help moisturize the coat and reduce frizziness.
Use a slicker brush or pin brush to get rid of any knots or tangles that are still present in the coat.
Follow up with a dryer or blow dryer on a low heat setting. This will help get rid of any dampness and make the fur lie smooth.
(Optional) Brush the fur one more time after it has dried to make sure all the knots and tangles are out.
Remember, it is always best to consult your veterinarian before giving your dog a bath. Bathing too often can be just as damaging for their coats as not bathing enough.
Dealing with a smelly dog doesn’t have to be hard. As long as you take some time to maintain their hygiene, you should have no problems with unwanted smells. If all else fails, try bathing them. After all, a clean dog smells better than a dirty one!
Bath time!
Sources & references used in this article:
• Jacobson’s organ: And the remarkable nature of smell (L Watson – 2000 –
• Smelling more or less: Investigating the olfactory experience of the domestic dog (A Horowitz, J Hecht, A Dedrick – Learning and motivation, 2013 – Elsevier)
• Sensate regimes of war: Smell, tracing and violence (D Wallace – 1907 – New York: The Outing Publishing …)
• So Few on Earth: A Labrador Métis Woman Remembers (K McSorley – Security Dialogue, 2020 –
• Smelling themselves: Dogs investigate their own odours longer when modified in an “olfactory mirror” test (J Penny – 2010 –
• Woof! Smells like cancer (A Horowitz – Behavioural processes, 2017 – Elsevier)
• Scent-matching dogs: A new tool for identifying wild tigers (M Haig – 2005 – Random House)
Best Dog Blanket: What Is It?
Dog Throw Blankets are available in different sizes. They come in various colors and patterns. There are many types of dog throw blankets. Some of them have handles or straps attached to them so they can be used as a pillow when needed. These dog throw blankets do not provide any extra comfort like a dog bed does. However, some of these dog blanket designs allow you to customize it according to your needs. You can choose from different materials such as cotton, wool, polyester, fleece, nylon and other fabrics.
What Are Their Benefits?
The main benefit of using a dog blanket is that it helps keep your pet comfortable during the night time. If you want to make sure your furry friend stays warm at night time then you need to use a dog blanket. It will also help prevent fleas and ticks from biting your pet if you use one of these dog blankets.
Another advantage of using a dog blanket is that it prevents your pet from getting into trouble while sleeping. A dog blanket can also protect your pet from being scratched or bitten by other dogs. Dogs love to play with each other and sometimes they get too close together which leads to bites or scratches. Using a dog blanket will reduce the chances of your pet getting hurt because it makes them feel safer when they sleep on the sofa instead of lying down on the floor.
How Do They Work?
These blankets are very easy to use and they are available in different sizes depending on the size of your pet. You can measure your pet’s size and then find a suitable blanket for it. If you have more than one dog, you can choose a large blanket so that it can be shared by all of them. The blankets may not be as comfortable as actual dog beds, but they still provide enough comfort for your pets to sleep on.
What Are The Different Types?
There are a lot of different types of dog blankets available in the market right now. To be precise, you can even say that there are an unlimited number of different blankets that you can choose from. You just have to find one that suits your dog’s needs the most. Some of the most popular types of blankets include:
1. Fleece blankets: One of the most popular dog blankets is the fleece blanket.
It is soft, warm and comfortable. It is a very basic type of blanket and most dogs seem to like sleeping on it. You can find a fleece blanket in many different colors so you should have no trouble finding a suitable one for your dog.
2. Jersey Knit blankets: Another popular type of dog blanket is the jersey knit blanket.
This blanket has a similar texture and design as the fleece blankets do. The main difference is that the fleece blanket is slightly thicker than the jersey knit blanket. Some dogs seem to prefer the jersey knit blankets over the fleece blankets, so it is worth trying out both types to see which one your dog likes more.
3. Microfiber blankets: Another popular option is the microfiber blanket.
This blanket is made from a special kind of fabric that is very soft to touch and comfortable. It is also very easy to clean which is an added advantage. However, not every dog seems to like the feel of this blanket and it is more expensive than the other types.
Which One Is The Best One?
All of the blankets mentioned above are good dog blankets. It just depends on your preferences and budget. If you want to save some money, then you can go in for a fleece or jersey knit blanket as they are cheaper. They are just as good as the more expensive microfiber blankets.
I highly recommend that you pick one of these dog blankets up for your pet because they make a huge difference in their lives. Your dog will be able to sleep better and more comfortably with one of these blankets. You can also check out dog bed reviews before buying one so that you know which one is best suited to your pet’s size and sleeping habits.
Sources & references used in this article:
• The discrimination of dog odours by humans (DL Wells, PG Hepper – Perception, 2000 –
• Best hotel environmental practices (CA Enz, JA Siguaw – Cornell Hotel and Restaurant …, 1999 –
• Man’s best friend as a reading facilitator (DM Shaw – The Reading Teacher, 2013 – Wiley Online Library)
• The hair of the dog: The identification of a Coast Salish dog-hair blanket from Yale, British Columbia (R Schulting – Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal Canadien d’ …, 1994 – JSTOR)

Female Dog Names – The Top Names In 2019
Female Dog Names – The Top Names In 2019
The following are some of the most popular and interesting female dog names in the world:
1. Bella (Bella)
2. Chloe (Chloe)
3. Ella (Ella)
4. Grace (Grace)
5. Olivia (Olivia)
6. Piper (Piper)
7. Ruby (Ruby)
8. Tanya (Tanya)
9. Zoey (Zoey)
10. Mia (Mia)
11. Lucy (Lucy)
12. Isabella (Isabella)
13. Lola (Lola)
14. Shania Twain (Shania Twain)
15. Taylor Swift(Taylor Swift), and many others…
16. Lily Whiteley (Lily Whiteley)
17. Emily Watson (Emily Watson), and many others…
18. Emma Watson (Emma Watson), and many others…
19. Jessica Alba (Jessica Alba)
20. Kate Bosworth (Kate Bosworth)
21. Lindsay Lohan(Lindsay Lohan), and many others…
22. Jennifer Aniston(Jennifer Aniston), and many others…
23. Megan Fox (Megan Fox), and many others…
24. Mila Kunis (Mila Kunis)
25. Olivia Wilde (Olivia Wilde), and many others…
26. Selena Gomez (Selena Gomez)
27. Jennifer Lawrence(Jennifer Lawrence), and many others…
28. Victoria Justice (Victoria Justice), and many others…
29. Becca Tobin (Becca Tobin)
30. Chloë Grace Moretz (Chloe Grace Moretz)
31. Claire Holt (Claire Holt)
32. Emma Watson (Emma Watson)
33. Ginnifer Goodwin (Ginnifer Goodwin)
34. Jennifer Garner (Jennifer Garner)
35. Kate Beckinsale (Kate Beckinsale)
36. Katherine Heigl (Katherine Heigl)
37. Kristin Kreuk (Kristin Kreuk)
38. Lindsay Lohan (Lindsay Lohan)
39. Megan Fox (Megan Fox)
40. Naya Rivera (Naya Rivera)
41. Olivia Munn (Olivia Munn)
42. Portia de Rossi (Portia de Rossi)
43. Priyanka Chopra (Priyanka Chopra)
44. Rooney Mara (Rooney Mara)
45. Rose Byrne (Rose Byrne)
46. Sarah Chalke (Sarah Chalke)
47. Shailene Woodley (Shailene Woodley)
48. Sophia Bush (Sophia Bush)
49. Sophie Turner (Sophie Turner)
50. Victoria Justice (Victoria Justice)
51. Amanda Seyfried (Amanda Seyfried)
52. Alexa Chung (Alexa Chung)
53. Alison Brie (Alison Brie)
54. Alexis Knapp (Alexis Knapp)
55. Allison Williams (Allison Williams)
56. Ashley Benson (Ashley Benson)
57. Ashley Greene (Ashley Greene)
58. Ashleigh Morris (Ashleigh Morris)
59. Ashley Tisdale (Ashley Tisdale)
60. Cara Delevingne (Cara Delevingne)
61. Cara Theobold (Cara Theobold)
62. Caroline Flack (Caroline Flack)
63. Catherine Bell (Catherine Bell)
64. Catt Sadler (Catt Sadler)
65. Claire Cooper (Claire Cooper)
66. Claire Holt (Claire Holt)
67. Cobie Smulders (Cobie Smulders)
68. Cynthia Nixon (Cynthia Nixon)
69. Elizabeth Banks(Elizabeth Banks), and many others…
70. Elizabeth Hurley (Elizabeth Hurley)
71. Elizabeth Olsen (Elizabeth Olsen)
72. Eliza Dushku (Eliza Dushku)
73. Emma Stone (Emma Stone)
Sources & references used in this article:
• Domestic cats (Felis catus) discriminate their names from other words (A Saito, K Shinozuka, Y Ito, T Hasegawa – Scientific reports, 2019 –
• Handbook of edible weeds (JA Duke – 2019 –
• Leiomyoma vaginal and uterine in female dog: case report. (GL de Lima, PAT Andreussi – PUBVET, 2019 –
• Case report: treatment for venereal sarcoma in a local female dog by performing surgery and chemotherapy. (I Laksmi, IW Gorda, AAG Jayawardhita – Indonesia Medicus …, 2019 –
• Occurrence of thecoma (sclerosing stromal tumor subtype) in a female dog: case report. (TA Moreira, WT Blanca, SA Tsuruta, SA Silva… – Veterinária e …, 2019 –
• Ovariohysterectomy of prepubertal female dogs with the help of hysterometer, using a minim invasive method. (A Tudose – Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine & …, 2019 –
• Hypertrophic osteopathy in dog secondary to pulmonary metastasis of breast neoplasia: case report. (JO Whitaker, WJ Hamilton – 2019 – Cornell University Press)
• Continuous infusion of two doses of fentanyl associated with lidocaine and ketamine for female dogs anesthetized with sevoflurane and undergoing elective … (MCB de Melo, J Helms, DV Soares, B Alberigi – PUBVET, 2019 –
Male Dog Names – The Top 50 Names For 2019
Male Dog Names – The Top 50 Names For 2019
The following list contains the most popular names for boys and girls in the United States of America. The list includes both common and uncommon names. Most of these are first or middle name only. Some are given names and some are not.
Top 50 Unique Male Dog Names For 2019
1) Connor – Connor James (born: November 13, 1986) is an American actor best known for playing Ryan Gosling’s son in the film Drive.
2) Dwayne – Dwayne Michael Johnson (born: June 4, 1974) is an American professional wrestler from Houston, Texas.
3) Drake – Drake Bell (born: December 12, 1982) is an English singer-songwriter.
His debut album “Nothing Was the Same” was released in 2003. His latest album is “Scary Hours”.
4) Forrest – Forrest Tucker (born: July 1, 1931) is an American professional boxer from Ashland, Kentucky.
He was a two-time World Middleweight champion.
5) Frank – Frank Sinatra (born: December 12, 1915) better known as Frank Sinatra, was an American singer and actor.
He was one of the most popular and influential musical artists of the 20th century.
6) Jack – Jack Johnson (born: May 18, 1878) was the first African-American Heavyweight Champion in history.
He was the best heavyweight boxer of his generation.
7) Jake – Jake Owen (born: August 28, 1981) is an American singer and songwriter from Vero Beach, Florida.
His debut album “Startin’ with Me” came out in 2007. The latest one is “American Love”.
8) John – John Williams (born: February 8, 1932) is an American composer.
Some of the films he has scored are Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List and Star Wars.
9) Jordan – Jordan Christopher Bosh (born: March 24, 1984) is a Canadian professional basketball player for the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association.
He has won three NBA Championships. 10) Lewis – Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton (born: January 7, 1985) is a British Formula One pilot from England. He won his first F1 World Championship title in 2008 and won his second championship in 2014.
11) Louis – Louis Pierre Althusser (October 16, 1918 – October 22, 1990) was a French Marxist philosopher. He was known for the influence of his work on Marxism. 12) Martin – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sources & references used in this article:
• The sound symbolism of names (DM Sidhu, PM Pexman – Current Directions in Psychological …, 2019 –
• Best Flea Collars For Dogs (M Story –
• Expressing evolution in Pokémon names: Experimental explorations (S Kawahara, G Kumagai – Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 2019 –
• Field guide to the mammals of South-east Asia (C Francis – 2019 –
Big Dog Names: Over 350 Awesome Ideas
What are some of the most interesting and creative names for dogs?
There are so many amazing ideas out there! Some of them might not seem very original at first glance, but they have been used before. Here’s a list of over 350 awesome dog names from around the world, which will definitely make your day brighter. These are just a few examples; there are probably hundreds more!
So what do you think? Are these names too long or too short? Too cute or mean? Too funny or sad?
Let us know in the comments section below!
1. Pupa (Puppy)
2. Fido (Fancy Dog)
3. Dora (Doll)
4. Chihuahua (Little Hounddog)
5. Shih Tzu (Small Dog)
6. Rottweiler (Welsh Corgi)
7. Miniature Schnauzer (Miniature Poodle)
8. Maltese (Maltese Dog)
9. German Shepherd (German Shepherd Dog)
10. Bull Terrier (Bulldog)
11. Basset Hound (Hound Dog)
12. Greyhound (Hound Dog)
13. Beagle (Hound Dog)
14. Pointer (Pointer Dog)
15. Doberman Pinscher (Doberman Pinscher)
16. Great Dane (Great Dane)
17. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)
18. Siberian Husky (Siberian Husky)
19. Dachshund (Husky Dog)
20. Irish Setter (Irish Setter)
21. Jack Russell Terrier (Jack Russell Terrier)
22. Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu)
23. Cocker Spaniel (Cocker Spaniel)
24. Pomeranian (Pomeranian Dog)
25. Pug (Pug)
26. Bearded Collie (Bearded Collie)
27. Basenji (Basenji)
28. Bloodhound (Bloodhound)
29. Kerry Blue Terrier (Blue Terrier)
30. Border Terrier (Terrier)
31. Boston Terrier (Boston Terrier)
32. Bullmastiff (Bullmastiff)
33. Bulldog (Bulldog)
34. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Cavalier)
35. Chihuahua (Chihuahua)
36. Jack Russell Terrier (Jack Russell)
37. English Setter (English Setter)
38. English Bulldog (English Bulldog)
39. French Bulldog (French Bulldog)
40. Irish Wolfhound (Irish Wolfhound)
41. Pharaoh Hound (Pharaoh Hound)
42. Doberman Pinscher (Doberman)
43. Weimaraner (Weimaraner)
44. Basset Hound (Bassic Hound)
45. Dalmatian (Dramatic)
46. Great Dane (Great Dane)
47. Irish Wolfhound (Irish Wolfhound)
48. Pekingese (Pekingese)
49. Bloodhound (Bloodhound)
50. Newfoundland (Newfoundland)
51. Afghan Hound (Afghan Hound)
52. Basenji (Basenji)
53. Borzoi (Borzoi)
54. Bull Terrier (Bulldog Terrier)
55. Cairn Terrier (Cairn Terrier)
56. Doberman Pinscher (Doberman Pinscher)
57. English Bulldog (English Bulldog)
58. Finnish Spitz (Finnish Spitz)
59. German Shorthaired Pointer (German Shorthaired Pointer)
60. Great Dane (Great Dane)
61. Irish Wolfhound (Irish Wolfhound)
62. Jack Russell Terrier (Jack Russell Terrier)
63. Keeshond (Keeshond)
64. Kuvasz (Kuvaz)
65. Mastiff (Mastiff)
66. Pekingese (Pekingese)
67. Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Pembroke Welsh Corgi)
68. Scottish Deerhound (Scottish Deerhound)
69. Siberian Husky (Siberian Husky)
70. Scottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier)
71. Vizsla (Vizsla)
72. Weimaraner (Weimaraner)
73. American Water Spaniel (American Water Spaniel)
74. Australian Shepherd (Australian Shepherd)
75. Basset Hound (Bassic Hound)
76. Beagle (Beagle)
77. Black and Tan Coonhound (Black and Tan Hound)
78. Bloodhound (Bloodhound)
79. Bluetick Coonhound (Bluetick Hound)
80. Dalmatian (Dalmatian)
81. English Cocker Spaniel (Cocker Spaniel)
82. English Foxhound (Foxhound)
83. German Shorthaired Pointer (German Shorthaired Pointer)
84. German Wirehaired Pointer (GWP)
85. Golden Retriever (Retriever)
86. Large Munsterlander (L Munster)
87. Large Swiss Hound (Swiss Hound)
88. Newfoundland (Newfoundland)
89. Norwegian Elk Hound (Elkhound)
Sources & references used in this article:
• Breakthrough Branding: How smart entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs transform a small idea into a big brand (C Kaputa – 2012 –
• Galileo’s finger: the ten great ideas of science (P Atkins – 2004 –
• Fanon’s one big idea: Ireland and postcolonial studies (E Flannery – 2004 –
Labrador Retriever Puppies For Sale: What You Should Know About Labradors For Sale?
The first thing you need to know about Labrador Retrievers for sale is that they are very popular breed. They have been bred since the beginning of time. They were used as guard dogs and hunting dogs during the Middle Ages. People still love them today because they are loyal, affectionate, obedient and loving.
They are not only good with children but they make great family pets too. Many people consider them the best dog breed for kids because of their docile nature and gentle personality. They are friendly and playful and will greet anyone with open arms.
Some even say that they are like little puppies themselves!
In fact, many parents believe that having a Labrador Retriever puppy makes it easier to raise a child than any other type of pet would do. The reason behind this is that Labradors are calm and easygoing. They don’t get excited easily and they aren’t likely to bark or growl at strangers.
They are known for being intelligent, well-mannered, obedient and affectionate. They are also very loyal to their owners. These qualities make them ideal companions for children as well as adults.
Labrador Retriever Health
The second thing you need to know about Labrador Retrievers is that they suffer from a lot of health problems. They are prone to suffering joint and bone problems. They also suffer from skin conditions which can be itchy and annoying.
They have a lot of eye problems, behavior problems and hereditary diseases. While most of the time these are not too serious, they can be very stressful for you as the owner and for your dog.
Labrador Retriever puppies are prone to numerous issues too. They can suffer from a lot of genetic and heredity problems as they grow up. One of these is something known as hip dysplasia.
Hip dysplasia, in laymans terms, means that your dog’s hips don’t grow and develop properly while it is still inside the womb. This means that the ball and socket joint does not form properly, causing the bones to become deformed.
This can cause a lot of pain for your dog and can severely limit the quality of its life. Because this is caused by genetics, there is very little that you can do about it.
Another problem that some puppies experience is something known as collapsing trachea. This means that the rings of cartilage which make up your dog’s windpipe don’t develop properly while it is still in the womb.
This can make it very hard for your dog to breathe and sometimes the trachea can collapse entirely. This is very serious and without treatment or surgery, your dog will not survive for very long.
Labrador Retriever puppies can also suffer from liver shunts. The liver is one of the most important organs in the body for detoxification as well as fat metabolism.
However, some puppies are born with a shunt. This means that there is a connection between the portal vein and the hepatic vein. This shunts blood away from the liver, which causes a lot of pressure to build up in the organ.
This can lead to liver failure and be potentially fatal if left untreated. Sadly there is no cure for this condition and it can reoccur throughout your dog’s life.
Labrador Retriever puppies can also suffer from a lot of eye problems. One of the most common is known as PRA, which means Progressive Retinal Atrophy. This is a problem which affects your dog’s retina and causes the cells not to develop properly.
This can lead to a loss of vision and eventually complete blindness. There is no cure for this condition either.
A very rare condition that some puppies suffer from is called Glaucoma. This happens when the intraocular pressure inside your dog’s eyes increases.
This can cause irreversible damage to your dog’s sight and if it isn’t treated, it can lead to blindness.
There is also a skin disease called Hyperadrenocorticism which affects the way that your dog’s adrenal glands function. These are known as ADH disorders and they can be potentially fatal as well as being painful for your dog.
Your dog is also susceptible to all of the regular canine diseases, such as parvovirus, distemper and other similar illnesses which can be spread through contact with other dogs who are infected.
How Big Do They Get?
Labrador Retrievers are large and stocky dogs which means that they typically take up more space than some of the smaller dog breeds. When they are fully grown, they typically stand somewhere between 21 and 23 inches high at the shoulder.
Sources & references used in this article:
• Estimated frequency of the canine hyperuricosuria mutation in different dog breeds (N Karmi, EA Brown, SS Hughes… – Journal of veterinary …, 2010 – Wiley Online Library)
• Extensive and breed-specific linkage disequilibrium in Canis familiaris (NB Sutter, MA Eberle, HG Parker, BJ Pullar… – Genome …, 2004 –
• A two-dimensional analysis of limb symmetry in the trot of Labrador retrievers (RL Gillette, CJ Zebas – Journal of the American Animal …, 1999 –
When Do Puppies Stop Biting And How To Cope With A Teething Labrador Puppy?
The following are some things which can happen to your dog during the time when it stops biting:
Your dog may not bite at all or only once in a while. Your dog may start to relax after a few days. You might notice that your pup does not seem so tense anymore, but still needs extra attention from you.
Your pup may become less energetic and may even lose interest in playing with other dogs. Your pup might begin to eat more frequently than before.
It is important to understand that your pup will probably continue to have its normal personality and behavior, but it will no longer bite at random times.
If you see your pup becoming more relaxed, then you can assume that it stopped biting because it got used to being petted by you. If your pup starts biting again, then you need to take action immediately.
You can read more about how to handle a dog bite incident here.
How To Handle A Dog Bite Incident?
1) If you see your pup getting aggressive, then you need to get away from him right now!
Get out of the room where he is and call your friends or someone else who can help you quickly.
2) Do not make any sudden movements.
This can trigger the attack and your dog may attack you.
3) Get medical help if you see severe bleeding.
You should also get medical help after a minor bite if you have an allergic reaction to it.
4) You may need to go to the hospital and have your wound cleaned and stitched up if your wound is severe enough.
Keep in mind that you will need to get rabies shots after this, too.
5) If you get bit by a wild animal or by an unknown dog, then you must go to the hospital immediately.
Call animal control if you need to report the incident so that they can try to capture the animal.